Tailored programs’ to suit where you are at in any stage of life
Enigma Home Group has found that it is near impossible for young ones to get out of the rental cycle. Saving a deposit while paying rent leaves the door closed to a majority of Australians who can only but wish for “the dream of home ownership”
Enigma Home Group through its Genesis Program works directly with customers to facilitate the process of Home Ownership. We take the appositive approach to your financial needs. We invest in our own culture, creating relationships that transcend transactions and promote partnerships.
Unfortunately for many Australians’ through a change of circumstance and no fault of your own, you find yourself back in the rental market having previously owned your own home. Whether it be a bad business decision, a divorce, or health reasons, you had to sell. Renaissance is an opportunity for you to get back into the property market and back into your own home. A second go. A chance at owning your own home.
Rent to Invest
Rent to invest is a popular strategy in Australia when people are purchasing a property. Often, they’ll purchase an investment property or multiple properties in rural or regional areas where typically prices are lower than in a CBD hub like Melbourne or Sydney.
People will then look to rent a property in the CBD, so they’ve got the benefits of a city lifestyle such as transport, eating out, and great schools for kids.
One other benefit is that you can use the income from the properties that you’ve purchased to even pay for your rent.
A lot of the price increases that we’ve seen over the last decade have been for dwellings in the likes of Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. It means these properties are out of reach for a lot of people or a bit too much of a stretch.
Rent to Invest means people can get a foot on the property ladder and purchase a property in lower-cost areas without giving up the benefits of a city lifestyle.
And often people want to purchase a property, but they can’t pick up their lives and move out to a regional area. So, by buying in these regional, rural, and lower cost areas and renting in the city, they get the best of both worlds.
Helping Australians Keep the Dream Alive
The dream of owning a home is an aspiration all of us have and is one of the most important financial decisions an individual or a couple will make. A lot of us build our lives on a series of assumptions, with high hopes for predictable outcomes and expectations of how things “might” turn out. The Australian way of life that meant a good job, charming house, super for retirement, is becoming less a reality and more of an illusion.
With high hopes for predictable outcomes and expectations of how things “might” turn out, The Australian way of life that meant a good job, charming house, super for retirement, is becoming less a reality and more of an illusion. Owning the First Home or even getting you in the home market for a lot of Australians is becoming close to impossible, especially in recent years. It seems that the 21st Century discarded many dreams that most Australians held dear by the wayside in the process of just making ends meet.